TynTec in German Push

Mobile messaging operator TynTec has announced the availability of German (+49) long numbers for inbound SMS services. These numbers can be used as an alternative to Shortcodes by organisations dealing with high volumes of incoming SMS traffic.
Using these numbers, says TynTec, organisations offering services in Germany can now set up a single regional 12-digit phone number to receive SMS traffic for applications such as voting, marketing or customer support. TynTecs long numbers, which are already available for Finland and the UK, can be used as a non-premium alternative to Shortcodes as an incoming telephone number. 
TynTecs long numbers are internationally available and can be retained for the long term. In addition, the company notes, TynTecs long numbers are specific to a single organisation.
Weve offered UK and Finland long numbers for some time now and theyve been enthusiastically adopted by clients who want to offer a single, memorable inbound number for SMS, says TynTec CEO, Michael Kowalzik. Shortcodes can be expensive, they dont work internationally and as a brand, you dont generally have ownership.  Using our long numbers, you can create your own wholly-owned, cost effective, memorable inbound telephone destination. 
Theres more information here.