University of Westminster Deploys Timetables via Mobile

studentsThe University of Westminster (UoW) has published its academic timetable for 2014/15 for both students and staff via smartphone in a move to simplify its processes.

Using the CMISGo system from Advanced Learning, the timetable is being made available to over 27,000 students and 4,000 staff via their mobile devices. By publishing the timetables in this way, the university was able to share the timetable with students earlier than ever before, enabling them to organise themselves long ahead of their academic commitments and deadlines.

The system also enables students and staff to share diaries and course information via their smartphones, and reserve teaching and studying space across the universitys estate. It follows a successful pilot by UoWs corporate services department over the summer, which saw over 2,000 room bookings made by over 200 different users.

“CMISGo will be key to improving the management of resources across our four campuses, each of which accommodates innovative social learning spaces as well as lecture theatres and seminar rooms, alongside laboratories, studios and corporate accommodation,” said Professor Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas, deputy vice-chancellor at the University of Westminster. “The capabilities of the new timetabling system are very exciting and I was impressed at how very easy it is to use.

“This is a positive change for students and staff and it is great to have such a powerful and intuitive tool at our disposal. Our students need to be ever more organised in todays world and we believe the solution will be a great asset.”