Urban Airship is offering companies the opportunity to try its enterprise-scale PassBook template tool. Its PassTools API enables businesses to create fully customisable coupons, tickets and loyalty cards without the need to write any code. The web creator platform automatically pulls in data from other systems and apps.
Early access participants will work directly with Urban Airship’s development team to create their campaign and contribute to the development of the product. A webinar, supported by the MMA, is being held on 24 January to outline how the Early Access Programme will work and the broader value of mobile coupons.
The company says it believes that mobile marketing will enter its third wave of investment in 2013 as more businesses and consumers discover the value and convenience of services like Apple Passbook. “Today, we are accelerating this third wave of mobile marketing investment by bringing the ease of use and scalability of PassTools to enterprise early adopters who wish to provide the convenience of personalised, updated passes to their customers,” said Joe Beninato, general manager of digital wallet at Urban Airship.