Vodafone has launched a 360 Shop for Android. Vodafone says the 360 Shop on Android has been designed to ensure that customers can easily search for and browse the applications most suited to their needs and interests, using a personalised recommendations tool and dynamically changing promotional areas such as best rated, top downloads, categories and filtered lists.
Feature content promotions will be run by local market editorial experts to further showcase locally relevant apps. All paid-for content is charged to the customer through operator billing, with funds regularly transferred into the developer’s bank account. The store gives app developers the ability to publish either JIL or native Android apps. Developers can also take advantage of existing Vodafone features such as clear pricing, a transparent review process and in-depth reporting.
“Developers want to know that their app will be seen by consumers, and the 360 Shop on Android has been designed to maximise opportunities for content promotion,” says Lee Epting, director of content services at Vodafone Group. “Initial data is showing that up to a third of the catalogue gets exposed in a single day. This is a market-leading approach which will allow both customers and developers to get great value out of the 360 Shop.”
The 360 Shop on Android will launch this summer on the HTC Wildfire and Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro. Both handsets will come with 360 Music services embedded and Vodafone People soon available as a download. To date, over 8,500 apps have been published to the 360 Shop, including music, video, ringtones and various other types of app. Eight European markets range over 100 different handsets that are capable of accessing Vodafone 360 services.
There’s more information about developing for the 360 Shop, including for Android, here.