Voda Puts its Head in the Cloud

Vodafone has formed a strategic partnership with Decho Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of EMC, to develop a range of cloud-based services for business and residential customers.
Vodafone PC Backup will enable customers to simply and securely back up digital content from their computer to a remotely hosted site. Once a customer has backed-up their digital content, it is protected, and they will always be able to access it, even if their primary device is lost, stolen or otherwise unavailable.
Customers will also be able to view and share the content from their account via the web browser of a PC, laptop or netbook, reducing the need to transfer content from one device to another.
Both business and consumer versions of the services will be introduced, with the former supported by a web-based management console to enable an administrator to centrally control storage allocations and policies for multiple users.
The PC Backup capabilities join Vodafones PC and mobile anti-virus protection in a suite which is designed to make it simple and secure for customers to use fixed and mobile broadband services to access, organize, protect and share digital content.
Customers will be able to use Vodafone PC Backup over both fixed and mobile broadband connections via the web browser of desktop PCs, laptops, and netbooks.
The service will be introduced across a number of Vodafones major European markets throughout the remainder of this calendar year, and builds upon the Mozy online backup service operated by Decho.
Our customers are often using a range of connected devices each day, with different information and data contained on each one, says Huw Medcraft, Director of Mobile Broadband at Vodafone. Vodafone PC Backup will enable them to centrally store this content, providing users with the added reassurance that as a Vodafone customer their files be they critical work documents for businesses or family photographs – will be there when they need it and accessible through a variety of devices and across both fixed and mobile networks.