Vodafone Brings Loyalty Cards into its Mobile Wallet with Bluesource

mobile-pocketVodafone has signed an agreement with Austrian software firm Bluesource to incorporate the technology behind its Mobile-pocket app into Vodafone Wallet.

Mobile-pocket enables users to load physical loyalty cards onto their smartphone by scanning it with the camera or manually typing in the number. Participating retailers will be able to send vouchers and special offers directly to the mobile wallet.

Its part of an attempt to grow the functionality of Vodafone Wallet. The app currently features SmartPass, which enables users to make contactless payments with their smartphone using NFC, and Vodafone says it intends to incorporate more services from third parties in future, to give users access to coupons and transport tickets.

The loyalty card functionality will be progressively rolled out in countries where Vodafone has already launched its mobile wallet, starting this month in Germany, Spain and the Netherlands, with other countries expected to follow during this year.