voeveo is celebrating its UK launch with the announcement of an international mobile content competition. voeveo is an online solution for people in the web environment who want to sell mobile phone content, including audio, images, games, videos, movies and software, directly to buyers. voeveo provides a community space for buyers and sellers to come together to create, transact and connect. Buyers and sellers conduct business on their own terms and conditions.
There are no hidden costs and no subscription fees, says voeveo Director Jane Pollitt. Buyers choose content that matches their phone, at the prices they want to pay. Content is delivered direct to mobile phone. We know UK buyers are tired of the old models and ready to embrace freedom of choice. Pollitt adds that UK sellers have been receptive to the companys model. Weve signed up well known brands such as V2, Telco Games and Aardvark Records, and there are more to come, she says.
Annabel Youens, voeveos Director, Community adds:
We believe in empowering independent artists to create and sell directly to their community. The voeveo incubator competition invites musicians, graphic artists, game and application designers to submit their entries. The community will vote for the best and the winners receive mentorships with some of brightest minds in the digital space.
Alex di Savoia, Head of Communications of Aardvark Records, which is the Audio grand prize sponsor, says:
Sponsoring the voeveo incubator competition reinforces our belief in the opportunity for artists to connect directly with their buyers in the mobile space. voeveo provides us with a direct channel to the global mobile market for our artists music. This is the way of the future, no barriers and no constraints a true free market.
Competition entries close 17 November and voting begins 23 November.
voeveo entered Beta in December 2006. On October 17 2007 voeveo began its first phase of commercialisation with its launch in the UK. voeveo is owned by TradeMobile, a private company registered in the United Kingdom and New Zealand.