Watch Our Making Sense of Mobile Advertising Webinar

The first instalment in our ‘Making Sense of Mobile’ webinar series, Making Sense of Mobile Advertising’ took place earlier this week.

Speakers from Fiksu, Celtra, Mojiva and StrikeAd presented on in-app mobile media buying; mobile rich media; premium mobile advertising networks; and Real Time Bidding respectively, culminating in a Q&A session.

More than 200 people registered to attend the webinar. For those who did not register, or who did but could not make it on the day, there is a recording of the webinar available as a free download. To download the recording, click here. If you registered for the webinar originally, all you need to do is confirm the email address you registered with. If you didn’t, it takes less than a minute to register.

The gremlins got us for the first six minutes of the webinar, where you will hear some background noise, but this soon clears up, and the speaker at the time, recaps her presentation just before the Q&A session.

The next webinar in the series, Making Sense of Mobile Sites, takes place on Wednesday 28 March at 4pm GMT/UTC.  You can register to attend that, free of charge, here. There are more Making Sense webinars to come throughout the year.