WhatsApp has revealed that its OTT messaging app on iOS will soon change to an annual paid-for subscription service like those offered on other operating systems.
Speaking to Dutch journalist, Alexander Klopping, WhatsApp CEO, Jan Koum, said that the model will only apply to new users and the app is likely to be free for the first year and then cost $1/year, rather than a single $0.99 payment.
Whatsapp has more than 100m users on Android alone but faces increasing competition from OTT providers, many of which offer apps for free with in-app purchasing options, and operator-backed messaging services like Joyn.
Koum said in the recording received by Techcrunch: “We actually have really good relationships with a lot of carriers. We’re doing some revolutionary stuff. The world is switching to data [and we have] some good partnerships, for example with Three in Hong Kong.”