Wrapping Up Mobile Engage

This afternoon has seen a wealth of great presentations at the IAB Mobile Engage event, including some light comedy – and some learning points on Tablets – from IAB director of mobile and operations John Mew; the Rich Medias Got Talent-style panel hosted by Celtras Jonathan Milne, which saw 4th Screen win the text vote for best ad with its American Pie campaign; and, of course, a whole sackful of stats.

But, with the day wrapping up, and thoughts turning to the free bar, theres just enough time to recap the final two sessions. First up was Wired UK editor David Rowan, giving an overview of how the world is changing as we move into, as he put it, “the mobile era”.

His talk moved from computational speed to Googles AR glasses. On its way, he took in mPayments – noting that a quarter of the GDP in Kenya moves through the M-PESA mPayments system, and that PayPal processed $4bn of payments in 2011, up from $141m in 2009 – and promotional apps, from Nikes running companion to Carling Black Labels South African Be The Coach. The speech also saw the days final mention of SoLoMo – thats Social Local Mobile.

Soon enough, it was time for the final session of the day, as journalist Louis Theroux dropped by for a so-called Fireside chat – though, disappointingly, there wasnt a naked flame in sight – with IAB chairman Richard Eyre. Topics included drunk tweeting, being a technophobe, pirating TV programmes and porn videos, the importance of free speech, and whether Game of Thrones is a bit rubbish – deeply mobile relevant, then, but a fine way to top off the day.