YouGov Finds Consumers Confused Over NFC

A survey by YouGov has found that 70 per cent of UK consumers havent heard of a mobile wallet, while 91 per cent havent heard of NFC. 

The survey found that 23 per cent of consumers are interested in paying for items using their mobile phone instead of cash, but confusion reigns over the technology. 36 per cent said they didnt know if their phone handset was capable of making cashless payments, while 69 per cent of those who have contactless payment credit or debit cards said that they never use the technology. 

20 per cent said they prefer chip and PIN, while 15 per cent dont know how contactless payments work. 

Only 5 per cent of consumers said they would adopt the technology as soon as its available, while 48 per cent said they wouldnt rush to adopt it. 

Russell Feldman, the YouGov consultant who led the research says: “Many consumers are attracted by the idea of paying for items via their mobile phone. But it is down to mobile operators and handset manufacturers to work with retailers to educate consumers about the real advantages of paying for items in this way. We believe once people have seen it in practice – and are reassured about the measures in place to protect their financial and personal security – they will be quick to adopt it and the industry will reap the rewards.”

A third of consumers who said theyd be likely to adopt cash-free mobile payments said theyd be likely to buy expensive items such as games consoles using the technology. “This is encouraging,” says Feldman. “Despite their concerns, consumers are ready to be reassured and when they are, they imagine themselves spending a lot more than the current per item limit of £15.”

In terms of brand perception, 51 per cent of consumers believe that Apple will offer handsets capable of mobile payments, while the figure was 49 per cent for BlackBerry and 43 per cent for Nokia. Vodafone, O2, and Orange all scored 55 per cent for networks expected to offer the service. 

Feldman says: “Our survey reveals that there is strong potential for mobile payments. But for it to truly have mass appeal and adoption, there is much to be done. The industry must harness the enthusiasm of early users to reassure the rest of us and demonstrate the real-world benefits our everyday lives.”