100 and Counting For Our Mobile CRM Webinar

A reminder that the next webinar in our Making Sense of Mobile series takes place on Wednesday 12 September, at 4pm UK time. This one looks at Mobile CRM and already, more than 1000 people are signed up to attend.

CRM is a much-misused and misunderstood term, but in the mobile environment, CRM is being deployed successfully by brands to engage with their customers on an ongoing basis. Examples include confirmation messages to tell a customer that their order has shipped; alerts to tell customers that their flight is on time/delayed/cancelled; or messages containing coupons and discount codes to encourage customers to visit a retailer’s High Street store.

During the webinar, which is free to attend, you will hear from Textlocal, OpenMarket and Incentivated, all of whom have vast experience in this space, about how and why to use Mobile CRM to keep customers loyal and boost business.

You can register to attend the webinar here.