Appcelerator Launches Titanium 2.0

Appcelerator has launched Titanium 2.0, a platform intended to simplify the process of integrating a range of cloud services into mobile apps. Titanium is compatible with Appcelerator Cloud Services (ACS), bur can also be used as a stand-alone service by any native or mobile web developer.

“Our goal is to help every enterprise and developer quickly and easily create rich, cloud-connected mobile apps for any device and any platform,” says Jeff Haynie, CEO of Appcelerator. “Appcelerator’s Cloud Services enables developers to do three things really well: build, launch and scale full-featured mobile apps without the headache of building the backend infrastructure and services that are typically required. By opening the playing field for developers, we anticipate a broad rollout of mobile cloud services.”

A Q1, 2012 survey from Appcelerator and IDC showed 60 per cent of developers either using or considering cloud services in their mobile apps. IDC also forecast that in 2012, 80 per cent of enterprise apps will be deployed on cloud platforms.