A Dublin-based mobile messaging software provider has launched a service to help mobile operators claw back revenue from SMS traffic sent via grey routes and prevent spam on their networks.
SMS aggregators bypass operators infrastructure, pushing bulk messages to consumers from off-shore mobile networks without paying termination charges. Anam Technologies says that many mobile operators are unaware that they are missing out on revenues and could generate an extra €10m (£8.6m) over the course of a year.
Anams ASSURE revenue assurance and anti-spam platforms help operators to identify and monetise off-net originated SMS traffic while also filtering out spam so it does not reach customers.
“Based on our customer deployments, we have been able to identify a black hole in mobile operator revenues because they are being cut out of the bulk messaging chain, despite the SMS being pushed through to its end subscribers,” said Louise O’Sullivan, CEO of Anam Technologies. “In some case we have seen that operators have suffered with a revenue leakage in excess of €24m a year. In times of economic constraints, operators cannot afford to lose out on these revenues.”