Frost Briefing Looks at Russian Market

Frost & Sullivan is to hold an Analyst Briefing on the Russian Telecommunication Market on Wednesday, 1 September 2010, at 16.00 BST. Edyta Kosowska, research analyst from the Information and Communication Technologies group, will discuss mobile broadband penetration growth in Russia and identify some key potential opportunities for market participants.

Until recently, the Russian broadband market has remained fairly undeveloped, especially in rural areas. But due to the deployment of new technologies and increasing government support, the market is likely to grow significantly over the next five years, welcoming new opportunities for end users, as well as telecom operators and equipment providers. According to Frost & Sullivan, Russia has the potential to become one of the first countries with long term evolution (LTE) roll-outs on a large scale.

“There are more and more attempts to start deploying LTE technology by both mobile network operators and new entrants. Mobile broadband penetration in Russia is expected to grow from 2 per cent at the end of 2009 to 8 per cent by 2014, mainly due to increased 3G and 4G network coverage,” says Kosowska. “The technology leapfrog may be especially beneficial to telecom operators, equipment providers and end users.”

There are still plenty of challenges to overcome, however, including achieving consensus for frequency spectrum allocation. Nevertheless, by skipping 3G/HSPA rollouts, the implementation LTE will bring significant savings in Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) for operators, giving end users a new experience of high-speed broadband and access to advanced services.

Frost & Sullivan says the briefing will interest telecommunication companies, and network equipment and application providers. To take part, email [email protected] with your full name, company name, title, telephone number, e-mail, and postal address for a registration link.