Maximiles Acquires TellMeWhere

Loyalty marketing company Maximiles has announced that it has acquired Badtech SAS – the company behind the TellMeWhere mobile service.

TellMeWhere is a mobile social app based on location technologies, and operates in UK, France (where it is called Dismoioú), Italy, Spain, and the US. 

Maximiles says it is positioning itself for growth within the SoLoMo (social networking, local, mobile) application space.

Building on its expertise in data mining and customer knowledge, Maximiles says it will accelerate development and improve the monetisation of TellMeWhere through creating new value-added services. At this stage, TellMeWhere has no significant turnover. The Loyalty and CRM activities of Maximiles will benefit from TellMeWheres expertise in mobile and location-based marketing.

Maximiles says the merger will allow it to increase member databases through cross-recruitment, as well as benefit from complementary offers, and combined sales forces and technologies.

Gilles Barbier, President of Badtech SAS, says: “After four years of innovation and development, we felt the need for us to lean on a group to help us quickly get the full potential of services developed and markets mobile and local. Joining Maximiles gives us the means to take the next step in our development by both benefiting from increased sales force and capitalising on the expertise of the Maximiles group in terms of customer knowledge, data mining and loyalty.”

The Badtech management team is set to stay in place. 

Marc Bidou, Chairman and CEO of Maximiles, says: “We are very pleased with this operation that opens up considerable new prospects for Maximiles. Our companies are very complementary and this combination is a source of added value both for Maximiles and for TellMeWhere. For Maximiles, this represents a tremendous opportunity to expand our offering and our position on the growing market of mobile marketing. This gives us access to both a sharp team, innovative technology and an installed base of members with a very efficient viral marketing system.”