Survey Highlights Mobile Snooping

Four in five UK Internet users say they feel unsafe sharing their mobile phone number via the contact areas of social networking sites such as Facebook, Bebo and MySpace. Nearly 80% of all respondents in a recent survey said they would not publish their own number on this type of site. The survey found the reason for this is the innate lack of trust relating specifically to the people within an individuals online social network. The survey was commissioned by, a free, online system that allows people to better manage their mobile lives online. 
The study investigated trust in relation to the valuable content on peoples mobile phones. It found that 10% of Brits openly confess to frequently checking their partners mobile phones, without them knowing or having permission to do so. The most checked items are text messages (90%); call history (75%); voicemails (40%); photos and videos (35%). The findings also revealed that were becoming mobile snoopers with nearly one in 10 of us regularly sneaking a peek at a strangers mobile phone – when travelling on tubes, buses and trains.
As consumers we need to better manage and protect the valuable content carried around both in our pockets and published on the web, says CEO, Julian Saunders. We generate lots of content by everyday use of our mobiles, much of which finds its way onto social network profiles. As such, there is a defined need for a secure personal space in which to store and manage it.