The Father of Android Steps Aside

Andy Rubin has stepped down as head of Android to be replaced by Sundar Pichai, who runs Google Chrome and Apps.

This will bring its mobile and desktop operating platforms under one roof and may signal the beginning of a more web-based approach to the Android OS. Larry Page, Google CEO, noted in a blog post announcing the news that Pichai loves a big bet. 

Rubin co-founded Android and was chief exec until Google bought the firm in 2005. He will continue to work at the web giant although it is not clear where that will be. 

Page said of Rubin: “Having exceeded even the crazy ambitious goals we dreamed of for Android – and with a really strong leadership team in place – Andy’s decided it’s time to hand over the reins and start a new chapter at Google. Andy, more moonshots please!”

The news came just a day before Samsungs latest Galaxy S4 device running Android is unveiled.