The Samsung Galaxy S II was the best-selling smartphone in the second half of 2011, according to figures compiled by Mobile4Everyone. At 11.6 per cent of total sales volume, the Galaxy significantly outsold the iPhone 4S 16GB, the second bestselling handset, which took a total share of 5.1 per cent – split between the black (3.7 per cent) and white (1.4 per cent) models.
Adding up the sales of all iPhone models, not just the 4S, between July and December 2011, Apple is leading the way, with 18.9 per cent of total sales, over Samsungs total handsets sales, which make up 13.5 per cent of sales. The figures are based on 30,000 handset sales made through retailers – including Carphone Warehouse, Tesco, and Phones4U – and networks – including Vodafone, O2, and Orange.