Myxer Report Reveals Android Growth

Mobile content and entertainment company Myxer has released the latest of its BoomBox monthly reports, looking at mobile entertainment consumption habits in the US. The January report reveals that the iPhone continues to dominate, but that Android users have closed the gap and have actually surpassed iPhone users in eight states, with seven of them coming from West and Midwest states, including Arizona, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. 
The report also reveals the latest demographic and consumption habits based on more than 1 million unique Myxer users from Android and iPhone operating systems. For Android handsets, the average woman downloaded more mobile entertainment than the average man across every single Android device. Android traffic also skews older than the average audience profile seen downloading mobile entertainment from Myxer.
Handset preference by gender was also a major surprise, with Googles Nexus One ranking as the most popular Android handset among men, with men making up 75% of Nexu One users on Myxer. In contrast, the Samsung Behold II and the HTC myTouch both comprise the largest percentage of female users on Myxer, with 67% of users on each handset being female.
Other Android stats include:

  • The Nexus One has the largest percentage (54%) of users over the age of 24.
  • Users on the Samsung Behold II handset initiate the largest number of downloads of any of the Android handsets, consuming an average of 14 pieces of content per month per user.
  • Android users browsing the mobile web on the Motorola DROID consume the least amount of mobile entertainment, with the average user consuming four pieces of content per month.
  • HTCs Dream is the handset of choice for the younger demographic, with 57% of the downloads Myxer sees from HTC Dream handset being initiated from users who are between the age of 18 and 24. This is also the largest percentage of users in this age demographic on any Android device on Myxer.

For this months BoomBox report, we conducted a deep dive into our Android user base in hopes of uncovering regional, demographic, and consumption trends across users on the most popular handsets, says Myxer CEO, Myk Willis. We think this research will provide valuable information and insights to both marketers and developers, especially over the long term, where developing trends can be identified and factored into key business decisions.
Since 2005, Myxer has catalogued various data points, including age, gender, geographic location, phone model, manufacturer, carrier, as well as the operating system of each handset that initiated a download from its delivery platform. The platform now supports more than 7 million monthly unique visitors, downloading over 90 million content items from Myxer each month.
You can download a copy of the full report, and subscribe to the monthly Myxer newsletter here.