Online Time Doubles in 10 Years, Driven by Mobile

Finger on phone touchscreenThe rise of mobile devices has led to people more than doubling the time they spend online over the past decade, according to Ofcom research.

Internet users aged 16 and over in 2014 spent 20 hours and 30 minutes online each week, compared to 9 hours and 54 minutes in 2005. This increase is biggest among 16-24 year olds, who spend an average 27 hours and 36 minutes online each week.

In 2014, 66 per cent accessed the internet using a smartphone, and 39 per cent on a tablet, compared to 30 per cent and five per cent respectively in 2010. As a result, the amount of time people spend online while away from home and work has increased from 30 minutes in 2005 to two hours and 18 minutes.

Mobile devices have also become the primary way of playing games, with 26 per cent playing games on their smartphone at least once a week, and 15 per cent on tablets, compared to 17 per cent on dedicated games consoles.