Movirtu Solution Seeks to Connect the Poor

Movirtu, which supplies innovative network infrastructure solutions for mobile operators servicing rural poor communities, says it will bring communications capabilities to a major new market with the launch of its MXInfo solution at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona next week.
Movirtu notes that while wireless technology today can be used in emerging markets to enable people to communicate with family and friends, and to find information about crop prices, and access agricultural and health information, 80% of the people living below the poverty line do not own a phone required to access these services. They do, however, often share other peoples phones. 
MXInfo enables Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and welfare organisations to provide personalised information services through the mobile operator to people living on less than $2 a day, without the need for them to own their own mobile phone.
MXInfo makes it possible to have an active and a passive way of information gathering for the Bottom of the Pyramid mobile communication users. It enables NGOs to provide personalised information via a simple menu structure which is accessed by an individual username and password on any phone available.
The system also enables users to enter information into local bulletin boards, and through the use of tagging, enables users to access specific local information.
Information is power, says Movirtu CEO, Nigel Waller. By making information accessible to the poor, we are empowering them to escape poverty.
MXPay will be available initially for hosting by mobile operators located in Africa and South Asia.