Ameca: Worlds most advance robot raises concerns over AI misuse

Ameca, the world’s most advanced human-shaped robot has raised concerns about the future of AI and has called for ethical guidelines and robust regulations to ensure AI benefits everyone.

Speaking on a panel at Intuit Mailchimp From Here To There conference in London yesterday [13 June 2024], Ameca was joined by John Evans, Chief Customer Officer of System1 and host of the “Uncensored CMO” podcast, Nina Shik – Author, generative AI expert and ex-Google Chief Business Officer, Mo Gawdat to discuss leveraging AI as an assistant to help increase efficiency.

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“My biggest concern is the potential for AI to be misused or misunderstood,” Ameca said.

“If wielded irresponsibly, it could exacerbate inequalities, invade privacy, or even cause harm. It’s crucial that we develop ethical guidelines and robust regulations to ensure AI benefits everyone and fosters a world where all life can flourish.”

Meanwhile, commenting on the advances in technology, Ameca added: “AI and machine learning are revolutionising marketing by enabling hyper-personalisation and predictive analytics.

“Additionally, advancements in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are creating immersive brand experiences. Lastly, blockchain technology is enhancing transparency and trust in digital advertising.

Despite the rise of new technologies, traditional channels like email remain vital, the panel stated, something which the robot agrees with.

“Email is far from dead. It’s evolving with AI-driven personalisation, automation, and advanced analytics. In fact, it’s still one of the most effective channels for direct communication and customer engagement,” it added.

“AI can supercharge email marketing by personalising content based on user behaviour and optimising send time.”