Power your app with Golang

Benjamin Morsell looks at the features and benefits of the Golang programming language.  

According to RiskIQ, almost 9m apps were available at the beginning of 2020 for all platforms around the globe. Today, this number is higher. According to Statista, the Google Play Store had 3,482,452 apps in the first quarter of 2021, while Apple had 2,226,823.

These numbers explain how big the competition is and how much new app developers must dedicate themselves to get a piece of the main action. Creating an app today is not just about meeting users’ demands and solving their problems; it needs to be done perfectly by all means.

One great way to create a perfect app is to choose the right langue for it. Every app is built on some of the known programming languages, and some are better than others. One of the best ones out there is Golang or better known as the Go language.

What is the Go language?
The programming language Go was designed in 2007 at Google due to dissatisfaction with the C++ language among people working for the company. They used this language frequently, but it was pretty outdated when the vast needs of large databases and huge network machines were in question.

This is why Google decided to develop a modernized solution that will both keep the positive and useful features already used inside the company and implement modern ones that will solve some of the biggest issues that programmers used to face.

The name came as a result of the project mascot – a gopher. Later, when the website was supposed to be launched, the name Go wasn’t available, so they used the name Golang instead. That’s why today this langue is known as both Go and Golang.

Now let’s see why you should power your app with Golang and what the benefits are from using this programming language!

1. Go is the best language for modern apps
Golang is designed for modern-day software engineering. Its developers made a point of bridging the issues emerging from trying to use old languages into modern software solutions. For example, it’s impossible to use cloud services and build apps hosted there using the C language.

Instead, you need a language that will be able to answer the vast needs of great software solutions used in various environments simultaneously. Go is a programming Swiss Knife, as some programmers like to call it – it can do its job on almost any machine, under any OS, and do all the work you need.

2. It is the fastest and most powerful option
Most professional developers will know a couple of languages. Many of them include Go in their portfolio, and if you ask them, you’ll get the answer that there’s nothing easier than learning to use Golang.

The reason for this is that this language is so easily adaptable. As you work with it, the program instantly adjusts itself to the format that the processor using it understands. As a developer, this is probably the most important feature, because your project must work in the end; it doesn’t matter how you did it.

3. It provides cross-platform solutions
Golang was made to successfully connect the features of C with the modern languages used at the time. That allowed Go devs to easily deploy it on almost all known platforms, such as Windows, Linux, and others.

The Go language gained tremendous popularity in 2016 when big software enterprises realized that they could use it for their enormous projects. This is why Golang development is used by so many app companies today. Companies like Facebook, BBC, Twitter, The New York Times, and even Apple use this language.

There are tons of solutions for building your new app. From React to Python and Ruby, they are all useful and can help you create something magnificent, but it seems like there’s no other like the Golang.

It is pragmatic and capable of crossing various platforms and software to come up with the best solution. It is easy to use and provides the best experience for everyone working with it. If the developer is happy while working, be sure that the product will be magnificent.