Snap teams up with the Electoral Commission to encourage users to register to vote

Over 63,000 people have registered to vote thanks to a partnership between the Electoral Commission and Snap. Over a two-week period, messages were sent from ‘Team Snapchat’ to all UK users, reminding them to register, check or update their voter registration.

It’s part of a range of Snapchat activations promoting civic engagement ahead of the UK General Election. These include creative tools to remind Snapchat users about the voter registration deadline and encourage their friends to register, plus the parliamentary candidates who are using Snapchat to connect with UK voters.

On election day itself, Snap will release a Face Lens saying ‘I voted’, accompanied by a countdown timer, allowing users to remind their friends how long is left until the polls close. There will also be a Filter that users can share with friends reminding them to ‘go vote!’ And an election-themed online avatar or ‘Bitmoji’ that will update to say ‘I voted’ once a Snapchat user has engaged with any of the other creative tools.

The activity is a continuation of Snap’s work in the US last year with TurboVote, which saw one of the most successful digital voter registration drives in history – including helping over 400,000 US users register to vote and over 1.4m Snapchat users to find their polling location.