Data: 67% of UK workers embrace autonomous AI future

Some 67% of UKI workers will eventually trust AI to operate autonomously, new data has revealed.

According to a study by Salesforce, workers in the UK and Ireland are increasingly relying on artificial intelligence (AI) to perform almost half of their work tasks.

However, despite most workers preferring AI-human collaboration, there is a notable shift towards trusting AI to operate autonomously, the data revealed.

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Currently, workers trust the tool to manage about 29% of their tasks. Meanwhile, Senior Managers and Directors exhibit even higher confidence in the tool, tapping AI for 78% of their tasks, compared to 67% among general employees.

However, only 7% of workers currently trust AI to function independently, with 14% predicting they will trust AI within three years, and 46% in over three years.

The research added that workers prefer tasks like onboarding, training, and keeping data safe to be overseen by humans.

Salesforce Chief Ethical and Humane Use Officer, Paula Goldman, said: “Workers are excited about an AI-powered future and the research shows us that human engagement can help us get there.

“By empowering humans at the helm of today’s AI systems, we can build trust and drive adoption – enabling workers to unlock all that AI has to offer.”

The news comes as Salesforce CMO, Global Senior Vice President, Product Marketing, Kelly Thacker recently highlighted the importance of trust when launching AI tools.

Speaking to Mobile Marketing Magazine at the 2024 Salesforce World Tour in London, Thacker said:  “Trust is a core value at Salesforce, especially with AI. We’ve been incorporating AI for over 12 years, and trust has always been integral.”

READ MORE: Interview: Salesforce CTO on transforming UK innovation with new London AI centre