BrewDog “hacks” Waze to raise awareness for drunk driving
- Thursday, May 2nd, 2019
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In order to raise awareness about the risks of drunk driving, brewery BrewDog São Paulo, located in Brazil, partnered with traffic app Waze to remind drivers of past road traffic deaths in the area. According to the World Health Organization,São Paulo has the highest number of road traffic deaths in Brazil, with drunk driving being the second largest cause of driving-related deaths.
BrewDog noticed that the rate of these drunk driving deaths skyrockets during festivals inSão Paulo, especially Carnaval. This year, BrewDog São Paulo decided it was going to create an awareness campaign on Waze, which alerts drivers of crashes and police traps.
ThrowBackCrash, which was developed by ad Agency Leo Burnett Tailor Made, picked 50 fatal crashes from the past, which were a direct result of drunk driving. Waze then added these crashes back to its app as if they had just happened. Drivers were able to click on the crash, which would take them to any news articles or media explaining what happened and how many people were injured or killed. The campaign continued for the most popular 15 days of partying in São Paulo.
“It’s not by mere chance that the regions with the greatest history of alcohol-related accidents are those that have the greatest flux of vehicles during the Carnival, because they’re areas with many bars and festivities. Our action was simply to simultaneously generate accident reports on Waze’s platform and, due to the atypical number of these reports, call users’ attention,” said Wilson Mateos, VP of Creation for Leo Burnett.
“Whenever a user clicked on a report, a specific communication occurred, with an image and news related to the accident that happened at that exact location, with the message Don’t let it to happen again. Don’t drink and drive. #TBC #Brewdog. The idea was to first pique their curiosity and then raise awareness.”
“We are passionate about two important things: people and beer. We hold socio-environmental responsibility as a pillar, and we are aware of our responsibility in creating new societal practices. And drinking and driving is undoubtedly one of them. By using an app that people commonly use to avoid police road blocks to send such an impacting message of social responsibility is a very innovative way to call the public’s attention,” explains Érica Rocha, marketing manager of BrewDog São Paulo.