Here & Now Launches Family-friendly Activity App

HerenNowLondon startup Here & Now has launched its iOS app, which lists local activities for families – a sort of YPlan equivalent for parents.

The launch follows a pilot in London, during which Here & Now built up partnerships with companies including Vue cinemas. As a result, the app is going live with over 6,000 child-friendly listings across the country.

The companys own research found that 60 per cent of children did five or more activities during the week-long Autumn 2014 half term holiday in the UK.

“Parents simply do not have time to meticulously plan days out with kids, and are often looking to fill a few hours with activities close to them,” said Here & Now founder and CEO Tara Benson. “Instead of browsing the web, they need a spontaneous solution that means they can have fun with their kids rather than worrying about where to go and how long it will take to get there, and that’s why Here & Now works.”

Here & Now recently received angel funding from Patsy Seddon, the entrepreneur and founder of womens clothing chain Phase Eight, which it plans to use to extend the apps content and services.