Mensa has brought its Brain Test app to Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone. Developed by mobile games producers Appshen and Barnstorm Games, the app tests disciplines including mathematics, language and visual reasoning, to gauge whether the users IQ is in the top two per cent, the entry requirement for Mensa. The app also features Facebook integration, and a local score tabl.
“The Mensa Brain Test app has been popular around the world and we’re excited to offer it to Android, Blackberry, and Window users too,” says American Mensa executive director Pamela Donahoo. “The app is a great way to train your brain, and we hope to see app users at our Mensa Admission test sessions in the coming year.”
Brain Test was released on iOS in September 2010, where it has been rated as the #1 app in the Entertainment category in seventeen countries.