KML Deploys iPads for Cabin Crew

KLM planeDutch airline KLM is deploying iPads on its aircraft, not for passengers’ entertainment, but in order to enable the crew to work more efficiently. KLM is working with Teleena on the ‘iPad4Crew’ solution. The main aim of the project is to improve KLM pilots’ and cabin crew’s efficiency by reducing the amount of paperwork to a minimum, without compromising security.

KLM said the deployment was part of its ambition to be the customers’ first choice, to be an attractive employer for its staff and to create sustainable growth with smart partnerships and pioneering new destinations.

“For KLM it’s a challenge to be at the forefront of the European airline industry,” said a KLM spokesperson. “Responding adequately to market opportunities and technological developments is therefore key. The initial challenge with ground and flight personnel is being repeatedly engaged with large amounts of paper work needed to administer flight schedules and passenger lists. Providing the cabin crew and pilots with a secure iPad solution makes a huge difference in saving time and paperwork which has resulted in a significant cost reduction.”