Mippin Readies Buzz Deck for the iPhone

Application developer Mippin is planning an iPhone version of its Buzz Deck application, which won Google's 2009 global app challenge in the ADC2 (Android Developer Challenge 2) Media Category. The iPhone app has been submitted to iTunes and, says Mippin, should be live within a few weeks. 
Buzz Deck brings together content from over 90,000 websites, from Reuters to Perez Hilton, with the content organized into channels including News, Music, Business, Fashion, Sport and others.
Buzz Deck also offers access to accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Bebo, MySpace and many more social networks simultaneously, plus other web services like eBay, Picasa and G-Reader are included. Users can navigate, use and explore multiple web content and services at the same time, without having to switch applications within the iPhone. Buzz Deck is also designed to be customised, so that users can choose their own version of the available content to match personal preferences and interests.