Online supermarket Ocado has launched an Android app incorporating voice search technology. Using the Ocado On The Go app, shopppers can access Ocados fully-stocked virtual aisles by speaking their selections. As they do so, the the app pulls up a comprehensive list of individual products in that range.
Ocados range of over 21,000 products is stored locally on the handset, so users can keep shopping even when offline. Orders are automatically, and swiftly updated whenever the phone goes online. The app also integrates with Ocados website.
“Our continual motivation is to make food shopping as quick and painless as possible for customers; were thrilled to now be doing this via an innovative Android app,” says Ocado Co-founder, Jason Gissing. “Last summer we were the first UK supermarket on the iPhone, and going live on Android is the next step of a revolutionary journey to be available across several digital platforms.”
Ocados On The Go iPhone app launched last July. In February 2010, 4.4% of all Ocado orders were being placed or updated on it, equating to sales of over £15 million per annum.