Opera kills off its Max data-saving Android VPN

Opera MaxWeb browser company Opera has decided to suddenly kill off of its free VPN app, Opera Max. The Opera Max service aimed to compress data for lower data usage and protect online privacy.

The Android app, which was released in 2014, hit 50m monthly active users in December 2016. Despite its success, Opera doesn’t see a future for its VPN service and has decided to solely focus on its other products.

“Opera has now decided to discontinue Opera Max,” said the Opera Team in a blog post. “The product had a substantially different value proposition than our browser products, and represented a different focus for Opera. We, therefore, focus on our browsers and other upcoming services.”

Opera Max will receive no further upgrades and has been removed from the Play Store. The service will remain running for those that already have the app ‘for a period of time’, though no concrete timeframe has been given by Opera on when it will completely put the service to bed.
