22 Per Cent of Apps Are Only Opened Once
- Thursday, July 10th, 2014
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22 per cent of apps are only opened once then never used again, a report by Localytics shows, highlighting the importance of measuring engagement rather than simply downloads.
The report explores App Stickiness, measuring 25,000 apps for two factors – power users, who launch an app over 10 times a month, and loyal users, who return to an app within three months of their first session. For Q2 of 2014, the report showed 26 per cent of apps had power users, 17 per cent had loyal users, and overall 22 per cent were rated as sticky, holding steady from Q1.
Since 2011, the figures for power users and loyal users have grown more and more divergent, with power users increasing and loyal users decreasing. The report suggests this demonstrates a tendency towards App Burnout, with consumers using an app intensively in the first month, then abandoning it soon after.
Dividing the apps by category, media & entertainment showed the greatest stickiness, with games and technology apps finding it especially difficult to engage a consistent audience. Comparing iOS and Android apps, the two operating systems have tracked extremely close to each other in App Stickiness historically.
Traditionally, Android has fared better with power users while iOS has attracted more loyal users, but the figures show that this trend may be ending, with both systems drawing close to each other with 32 per cent power users and around 22 per cent loyal users. Other operating systems far much worse than Android and iOS, with only 10 per cent App Stickiness.