Amazon launches web-based tool for developing VR and AR experiences

Amazon SumerianAmazon has introduced a service aimed at making it easier for developers to build virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 3D apps.

Through Amazon Sumerian, developers will be able to build virtual environments for mobile devices, head-mounted displays, digital signage, and web browsers. These environments can be populated with 3D objects and animated characters, and can run in any browser that supports WebGL or WebVR graphics rendering – including Google Daydream, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and iOS mobile devices.

“Customers across industries see the potential of VR and AR technologies for a wide range of uses—from educating and training employees to creating new customer experiences. But, customers are daunted and overwhelmed by the up-front investment in specialised skills and tools required to even get started building a VR or AR application,” said Marco Argenti, VP of technology at Amazon Web Services (AWS). “With Amazon Sumerian, it is now possible for any developer to create a realistic, interactive VR or AR application in a few hours.”

It requires no software install or upfront costs – with developers only paying for the storage used for 3D assets and the volume of traffic generated to access scenes – and can be accessed via the AWS management console. Sumerian is currently available in preview.