Channel 4 Stays Up to Date with AR

Channel 4 has partnered with Heat magazine on an AR promotion for its new TV series Dates.

Readers scanning the TV listings pages with the Heat Extra app will be greeted with a video preview of Dates first episode, the option to watch a trailer, and a link to the programmes microsite.

“This type of scannable AR TV listing experience allows Channel 4 to promote their new TV programmes in new and creative ways,” said Daniella Paolozzi, project and marketing manager at Engine Creative, the agency behind Heat Extra. “This innovative approach is set to be the perfect way for TV channels to create interest and anticipation about their shows before they are actually aired to the public. 

“While this all sounds pretty cool, the practical benefits of companies being able to monitor ROI by using trackable app technology enables marketers to measure and analyse campaign performance in greater detail.”