Clinch launches Instagram Stories ads

Clinch will enable brands to engage with Instagram Stories users at scale via personalised video ads

Personalised video ad tech firm Clinch has launched dynamic and personalized Instagram Stories ads, enabling brands to serve personalized video ads at scale in Instagram Stories. The product is the result of Clinch’s successful completion of the Facebook Marketing API Accelerator, which encourages the development of technologies to support advertisers. Clinch for Facebook integrates directly with Facebook and Instagram’s API to remove barriers to entry and enables brands to leverage data to create personalized videos at scale.

Despegar, the Latin American online travel company, said it had experienced a 28x increase in return on ad spend when using Clinch for personalized, dynamic Instagram Stories, making it six times more effective compared to the brand’s generic Instagram Story videos.

“Clinch enabled us to turn our Instagram Stories from a brand awareness strategy to a personalized experience that encouraged travellers to book more with Despegar,” said CMO Andrés Patetta. “With Clinch, we are able to leverage our first-party data to engage with those that just booked a trip, as well as encourage travellers who hadn’t booked in a while to reengage with our platform.”
Beyond Instagram Stories, Clinch can also personalize the Canvas experience. Including the landing page and different interactive modules, within the platform. Creative can be changed based on a variety of data points including location, offer and demographics.

“Instagram is really effective for brands as it provides a platform for deep engagement,” said Clinch CEO, Oz Etzioni. “Unlike other social products, Instagram Stories provide a native content opportunity for consumers to connect with brands and discover products and services. Clinch is bringing the same level of personalization and scale that it has developed for Facebook and programmatic ad serving platforms to Instagram, enabling brands and agencies to shift from just focusing on reach and awareness to performance.”

Clinch leverages artificial intelligence to provide rapid A/B testing of creatives and generates personalized video and display campaigns at scale in thousands of versions. In addition, the product provides analytics and insights regarding client data segments and the best performing creative.