Universal Campaign Boosts Performance with AB Testing

Fast Furious campaignUniversal Pictures has reported a 42 per cent improvement in ad performance through AB testing.

A display campaign promoting the home release of Fast & Furious 7 in the Netherlands and Belgium used AdGibbons self-optimising digital display solution AB Testing Banners.

A total of 60 banners, in three sizes – mobile, tablet and desktop – were shown at random across seven publishers. Every hour, an algorithm then decided which performed the best, based on CTR or post-click conversion, and this creative was shown more frequently.

The difference between the best and worst performing banner was as high as 42 per cent for one of the three sizes, and 21 and 16 per cent for the others.

“Advertisers are potentially wasting media budget by providing only a handful of creatives for any given campaign,” said AdGibbon CEO Justin Campbell. “Even when a range of creatives are provided, optimisation is often a manual exercise and time consuming. With AB testing banners, advertisers can learn what creatives perform best on a given publisher, maximise their media spend and boost sales conversion.”
