Dulux uses digital out-of-home to connect London and Amsterdam

Paint brand Dulux is using a digital out-of-home (OOH) deployment and accompanying app to allow residents of London and Amsterdam to add colour to each others lives with a live link between two full motion screens.

Created by MullenLowe London and powered by Ocean Outdoors international alliance and the latest digital OOH technology, the Lets Colour experience is deployed at the Meridian Steps screen at Westfield Stratford in London and the Ngage Media screen at the Amsterdam World Trade Centre.

Users can connect to the screens using the Visualiser app, created specificially for this campaign, which enables participants to colour a landmark in each others city, choosing from the wide palette of Dulux paint colours. Once they have completed their masterpiece, they submit their image, along with a selfie and their name, and it appears on the screen in the opposing city.

“Paint and colour have greater power than people often realise,” said Henrique Striker, global activations manager at Dulux. “We believe deeply at Dulux that colour does more than impact the ambience of a room or building or area. It can connect people in profound ways. This work from MullenLowe and Ocean Outdoor is a wonderful expression of that, and a really exciting activation for the people of Amsterdam and London to get involved in.”

As well as appearing on the screen in the neighbour city, submissions become part of a gallery that can be accessed online, and participants can download their creation to keep, or share it online via a variety of social channels.