Entertainment Biggest Mobile Ad Vertical, says Vdopia, as Campaigns Rise 46 Per Cent

Music Ads VdopiaStatic banner ads account for just four per cent of mobile campaigns run by entertainment brands, according to Vdopia, with the rest leveraging video or rich media formats. Banner campaigns dropped sharply from six months earlier, when they made up 14 per cent of entertainment campaigns.

Its worth noting, though, that these figures are based on campaigns which use Vdopias technology, which specialises in video. The report also found that the number of mobile campaigns from the entertainment sector increased by 46 per cent in six months, making it the single highest spending vertical on mobile ads.

According to Vdopias Video Performance Index, the strongest performing formats for these advertisers is the 10-second ad. Despite only accounting for three per cent of spend, these shorter ads perform 65 per cent better than the average video ad.

“You’d expect shorter ads to have a higher completion rate but, generally, the shorter the ad the more likely people are to engage with it – 10-second ads are twice as effective as 20-second ones,” said Farzad Vdopia European VP Jamal.

Nevertheless, 20- and 30-second formats account for nearly three-quarters of entertainment brands’ mobile video ad spend – presumably a hangover from the length of TV ads.
