Samsung launches AI-driven sports analytics tool for Olympics

Samsung, in collaboration with Cheil Benelux, has introduced ShotControl, an AI-driven sports analytics tool to aid the Dutch national men’s 3×3 basketball team.

ShotControl uses multiple Samsung Galaxy devices to track and map players’ shot accuracy, especially as fatigue sets in during the final 90 seconds of a game.

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The move follows previous successful tools like SmartSuit and FastFrame, demonstrating the technology giant’s commitment to enhancing athletic performance technology.

Samsung, Marketing Manager of Mobile eXperiences, Gerben van Walt Meijer, said: “Samsung has a long history with the Olympic Games. It’s great to see that we can once again crown our partnership with a third technological development.

“After Smartsuit and FastFrame, both of which were very successful at the Olympics, we hope to prove once again that innovation can make things possible that seem impossible; in Paris but also important 3×3 tournaments afterwards – such as the European Championship and the World Championship.”

Cheil Benelux, Managing Director, Tim van der Sijde, added: “In developing ShotControl, we wanted to truly help 3×3 basketball and simultaneously showcase Samsung’s innovative strength. The innovation had to be developed in such a way that it didn’t hinder the players and was intuitive enough for them to use themselves. Technology that continues to provide insights in the long term.

“Not a one-off. It became a project we worked on for years, bringing together various expertise within our agency. At Cheil, we love to make technology as tangible as possible, and where is that more the case than at the highest level in the Olympic arena?!”