Square and Starbucks Discontinue Mobile Wallet Deal

Starbucks Mobile Payment In-StoreStarbucks has abandoned use of Square mobile payments at its coffee shops, ending the partnership between the two companies.

Squares Wallet app stopped working at Starbucks branches last week, ahead of Squares planned exit next year, when it had originally scheduled to end support for the app.

Square later sent an email to users, saying it was discontinuing Wallet to transition to Square Order, a new app that will enable consumers to place orders ahead of arriving at stores. While Wallet has already been removed from Apples App Store and the Google Play Store, the company had planned to continue support for the app up until Orders release.

Starbucks and Square originally partnered in late 2012 to provide customers with the option of paying for food and beverages using a barcode via the Square Wallet app. However, thanks largely to the success of Starbucks own app, which includes a mobile wallet feature, the Square system was never well-adopted.

Square will continue to process debit and credit card payments for Starbucks 7,000 US stores.