X updates policy allowing users to post consensual adult content

X, formerly known as Twitter, has updated its policy allowing users to post consensual adult content if it’s clearly labelled.

Despite adult content being allowed on Twitter before Elon Musk acquired it in 2022, there was not an official policy put in place.

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However, now, an update on the social media platform states: “You may share consensually produced and distributed adult nudity or sexual behaviour, provided it’s properly labelled and not prominently displayed.

“We believe that users should be able to create, distribute, and consume material related to sexual themes as long as it is consensually produced and distributed. Sexual expression, whether visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression.”

Meanwhile, the social media platform added it is restricting adult content for children and for adult users who choose not to view it.

It continued: “We also prohibit content promoting exploitation, non-consent, objectification, sexualisation or harm to minors, and obscene behaviours.”