Havas introduces fully transparent client facing programmatic solution

HavasFrench multinational advertising company Havas has launched a ‘client facing, fully transparent’ programmatic solution to enable its clients to track and monitor their programmatic buying one place.

The Client Trading Solution (CTS) offers visibility across trading desks, demand side platforms and providers. It offers visibility of digital workflow at every stage of the campaign within a ‘fully independent, technology agnostic ecosystem’ for Havas’ clients.

“When you consider that 75 per cent of marketers say that they are concerned by the level of transparency in programmatic, Client Trading Solution is a significant breakthrough,” said Dominique Delport, global managing director at Havas. “For the first time, we have an offer that gives clients full visibility and control. This innovative, platform gives brands full visibility on costs, investments, outcomes and ROI, across trading desks, DSPs, inventory, providers, marketplaces. Any advertiser using it can see exactly what’s behind all programmatic solutions, with complete transparency allowing us to work hand-in-hand with our clients to build the best strategies for their business.”

CTS was developed by tech and math company MFG Labs, which Havas acquired in 2013. The solution has already been used by Spanish multinational telecoms provider Telefonica.