iPad Mini Sales Overtook Air for the First Time in Q4 2015

CIRP iPadSales of iPad Mini models overtook the larger Air models for the first time in Q4 2015, according to a report from CIRP.

The iPad Mini 2, 3 and 4 models together accounted for 47 per cent of sales, compared to 40 per cent for the iPad Air and Air 2 combined.

“iPad Mini did much better in the quarter than it did a year ago, in part because of the lower price points along with holiday price promotions, and because of the different models available,” said CIRP partner and co-founder Mike Levin. “At the other end of the spectrum, iPad Pro had a strong launch, with 12 per cent of total sales at a new, much higher price point.”

Meanwhile, looking at the iPhone, the 6S was the biggest seller with a 48 per cent share, followed by the 6S Plus, at 19 per cent.

“The iPhone 6S and 6S Plus did quite well,” said CIRP partner and co-founder Josh Lowitz. “Yet, they did not dominate the same way that iPhone 6 and 6 Plus did a year ago. The total share of the new flagship models fell below the share of the then-new phones in 2014, and the large-format iPhone 6S Plus share of sales dropped compared to the iPhone 6 Plus as well. Customers continue to choose the year-old iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, and even the two-year old iPhone 5S.”