Cannes 2024: Reddit revamps Conversation Ads

Reddit has updated its Conversation Ads at this year’s Cannes Lions.

As a result, the social media giant has embedded its ads within discussion threads to captivate users during peak engagement. These ads showcase premium media and incorporate advanced brand safety measures, the company revealed.

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Reddit said: “It’s specifically designed to reach audiences right at the moment they are most leaned in and primed to take action. Under the new name “Conversation Ads,” advertisers will also benefit from new brand safety controls, including specific ML tooling to further enhance confidence, coming later this year.”

Featuring a redesigned creative with larger, more premium media, advertisers can now reach users exploring or discussing topics of interest, aligning with the 47% of Reddit screen views occurring in these dynamic spaces.

This comes as research from the company revealed two in three redditors are likely to purchase a product if they see an ad about it on Reddit.

Further research added Reddit Feed and Conversation Ad placements significantly amplifies Action Intent, compared to Feed-only strategies from 2.44% to 5.46%, respectively.

Furthermore, brands integrating both Feed and Conversation Ads saw 83% increase in brand awareness compared to those using Feed alone.

Reddit EVP of Business Marketing and Growth, Jim Squires, said: “People on Reddit thrive in conversations and the comment threads are where they go to dive deep. It’s the most contextually relevant space on our platform and a huge opportunity for advertisers to reach relevant audiences when they are actively seeking out information on a specific topic.

“Our latest updates to Conversation Ads will not only drive performance through an elevated design, they will expand advertiser reach and relevancy as our clients can now show up in the heart of these high-intent, highly engaged discussions.”