Mobile Security

Video editing app VivaVideo allegedly made over 20m fraudulent transaction attempts

The Android version of the app, which has more than 100m downloads, has allegedly been attempting to initiate subscription charges while serving hidden ads to users in order to generate fake clicks, Upstream’s Secure-D has discovered

Mobile Security

Vast majority of finance mobile apps vulnerable to hackers

A new report has found that the vast majority of financial mobile apps on the Google Play store are vulnerable to hackers with 83 per cent of the apps analysed

Mobile Security

AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint to launch joint mobile authentication platform

A group of major US mobile phone carriers, including AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint, are working on mobile authentication platform that will improve mobile security. The Mobile Authentication Taskforce has

Mobile Security

Over 500 Android apps, downloaded more than 100m times, found to contain spyware

Lookout More than 500 apps available on the Play Store, which have been downloaded a combined amount of over 100m times across Android, may have downloaded spyware to users through

Mobile Security

Caller ID Apps Hold 3bn Phone Numbers, Many Obtained Without Permission

3bn mobile phone numbers and identities are stored on popular caller ID and phone blocking apps, a FactWire investigation has found. The apps, which include Sweden’s Truecaller, China’s CM Security

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