Apple launches a series of AR art exhibits in partnership with the New Museum

Apple [AR]TToday, Apple opened registrations for three new Today at Apple augmented reality (AR) experiences, called [AR]T, a free virtual exhibit that will be available at Apple Stores globally. The series of experiences includes an interactive walk focused on international art, an in-store “How-To” for creating AR using Swift Playgrounds, and an “Amass” AR art exhibit available in every single Apple Store.

The triad of sessions was created in partnership with the New Museum, based in New York City. The New Museum invited seven artists from around the world to incorporate their creations into the experience, including Nick Cave, Nathalie Djurberg and Hans Berg, Cao Fei, John Giorno, Carsten Höller and Pipilotti Rist.

Lisa Phillips, Toby Devan Lewis director for the New Museum commented, “The New Museum has always led at the intersection of art and tech and we could not have asked for a better partner in Apple to support the fantastic visions of these pioneering artists. Augmented reality is a medium ripe for dynamic and visual storytelling that can extend an artist’s practice beyond the studio or the gallery and into the urban fabric.”

The AR walks will guide participants through unique exhibits in San Francisco, New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. To bring free, interactive Today at Apple sessions to all Apple Stores, the company partnered with New York artist and educator Sarah Rothberg. Participants will have access to some of Rothberg’s objects and sounds, and will be able to experiment with their own AR creations in a free, 90-minute [AR]T Lab.

The third installment of the series features worldwide and experience artist Nick Cave’s AR piece “Amass,” which will be viewable in any Apple Store with the [AR]T Viewer, located in the Apple Store.

“Today at Apple offers a window into the creative arts made possible by our products and customers,” said Deirdre O’Brien, Apple’s senior vice president of Retail + People. “We hope attendees are inspired by the incredible AR creations in the [AR]T Walk and in-store installation, and we can’t wait to see what our visitors learn to create in the [AR]T Lab.”